Please note that starting 2015.09.24 the KIpolis web-forum is closed to new entries.

We have enjoyed 15 years of beautiful nature on Kangaroo Island, now my wife and myself are actively preparing our return to Switzerland, and I do not have time to follow the social and political life on the island.

I wish all the best to those who will provide another place on the web for rational and independent analyses relevant to Kangaroo Island.

Gabriel Bittar, webmaster


KIpolis, a moderated forum for the Kangaroo Island community

A site with informations of potential interest to visitors and members of the community

Managed by Dr Gabriel Bittar, resident of Kangaroo Island since Feb. 2000

The photo above shows Pelican Lagoon and Prospect Hill, with the Southern Ocean on the horizon, as well as the harbour of American River, first called Port des Pélicans in January 1803 by French explorer Nicolas Baudin, who had accomplished the first circumnavigation of the island. The big trees are sugar gums, Eucalyptus cladocalyx, and the flying bird is a rare glossy-black red-tailed cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus, dependent on these trees for its nesting. (photo G. Bittar)

polis means ‘city, community’ in Greek — in the ancient days, politics wasn’t yet a tainted word.

Basic rules for contibutions to this website:
– the information should be of public interest and/or educational
– it should not be easily available elsewhere
– no place for trivia
– principles of freedom of expression and of information apply
– opinions to be expressed within the confines of reason
– no blatant lies, defamation or libelling (public figures, out of necessity, are more exposed)
– no calls for or apology of cruelty or violence towards sentient beings
– no display of hatred or bigotry
– no foul language
– texts to be checked for grammar and spelling by the writer/sender… please…

KIpolis’ objectives — questions to its founder, Dr Gabriel Bittar

You may submit texts by emailing them to KIpolisATinternodeDOTonDOTnet (“AT” means “@” and “DOT” means “.”), preferably within the body of your email please, and preferably in .txt, .rtf. or .doc format if as an attached document (avoid .pdf please). Or you may use the reply form at the bottom of this page or posts.

This is all tentative and evolving. For the moment it’s kept very simple in its objective and its structure. Let’s see how it goes.

4 thoughts on “KIpolis homepage

  1. I have had a look at the website and I find it is best described as “excellent” which of course means it cannot be bettered. It is clear and concise and very attractive.

    I shall put it in my favourites bar for easier access.

    Barbara Ewens
    Seaview Lodge K I
    Lot 3 Willoughby Road
    Penneshaw S.A. 5222

  2. This presentation is absolutely great and professional. The design gives the text a “come on read me effect” That is surely what makes it professional. The photography gives a wow factor to boot. Well done. I shall be happy to put anything appropriate on this site. Regards, Shirley Knight, Penneshaw

  3. Crikey… eureka lives!
    Very interesting… and… by far… the most professionally and politically non paternalistic… and simple honest public website in South Australia!!!!!!!
    Thankyou for sharing…
    “an honest days labour always presents a luvly smile!”

  4. I came across this website as a result of recent research about tourism and event policy and planning on Kangaroo Island. In a time when communities are often disengaged from the policy and planning process as a result of growing cynicism and feelings of disempowerment, it is refreshing to see the web used in such a pro-active and empowering way. Kangaroo Island is a special place with an actively engaged community; they do not always agree on issues but many are concerned about the future of the Island. Fora such as these allow views to be aired, issues debated and hopefully dialogues opened up for a shared vision of a positive future.
    Thank you for this great website.
    Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management

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