Penneshaw sewerage update — Cr Liu 2014.10.21

October 21st, 2014

How to undermine a conscientious councillor — Interview of Cr Walkom, 2014.07.04

July 4th, 2014

Financial situation of council – a motion for improving it turned down — 2014.06.11

June 11th, 2014

Gastroenteritis and Kingscote sewage – Council does not address the matter — Cr Liu 2014.05.07

May 8th, 2014

Issues with Penneshaw CWMS Consultation Outcomes Report, QoN – Cr Liu, 2014.04.09

March 28th, 2014

Dangerous T-junction between Hog Bay Rd and Elsegood Rd — letter to the Minister — Cr Liu. 2014.01.08

January 18th, 2014

Kingscote new street numbering scheme — QoNs and motions, Cr Liu 2014.01.22

January 18th, 2014

KI flooded roads – How much exactly did Council spend on addressing the issue ? QoNs Cr Liu 2014.01.22

January 11th, 2014

Credibility of the prudential review process for Penneshaw planned sewerage – QoNs Cr Liu 2013.12.11

December 3rd, 2013

Councillors Liu and Walkom position has been unfairly represented — Knight, Shirley 2013.09.24

September 24th, 2013

Penneshaw sewerage dam safety questions need an answer — Cr Liu 2013.09.13

September 3rd, 2013

Complaint against Kangaroo Island Council for failing to answer a question — Cr Liu 2013.06.28

September 3rd, 2013

CWMS Management Committee meeting 2013.06.17

August 5th, 2013

Penneshaw sewage dam location: why did the CEO omit an important document? — QoN Cr Liu 2013.08.14

August 5th, 2013

Earthquake impact on a planned sewage dam overlooking Penneshaw — QoNs Cr Liu, 2013.07.10

August 2nd, 2013

Where is the “strong, respectful debate“, Mayor Bates? — Chirgwin, Rosalie, 2013.06.24

June 24th, 2013

Penneshaw sewage plans: health, environmental and financial issues — QoNs Cr Liu 2013.06.12

June 12th, 2013

The man-hours spent not seeing the obvious has been a drain on the finances of this council — Knight, Shirley, 2013.05.25

June 3rd, 2013

Cygnet River fire: Council NOT interested in learning from it — Cr Liu’s QoN 2013.04.10

April 24th, 2013

Penneshaw : the LGA CWMS committee (2013.03.25) is not prepared to subsidise the full scheme

April 19th, 2013

Penneshaw planned sewerage dam, QoNs by Cr Liu 2013.04.10 — and sort of answers

April 19th, 2013

Sewerage endless plans for Penneshaw: years later, the public is still kept in the dark — QoN Cr Liu, 2013.03.13

March 20th, 2013

Community support for bushfire concerns of Crs Walkom and Liu — Knight, Shirley, 2013.02.22

February 22nd, 2013

Ratepayers need questions and answers printed in the Council Agenda — Knight, Shirley 2013.01.28

January 30th, 2013

The planned destruction of Penneshaw’s Aleppo trees — QoN by Cr Liu 2013.01.16

January 7th, 2013

Finances of mooring facility at Christmas Cove marina — QoN by Cr Liu for 2012.11.14

November 28th, 2012

Camping grounds net cost to Council: more than $130’000 pa – Cr Liu’s QoN, 2012.09.12

September 16th, 2012

KIpolis’ objectives — questions to its founder, Gabriel Bittar, by Charlie Canning, 2012.07.29

August 8th, 2012

Questions on Notice – a QoN by Cr Walkom, 2012.08.08, numbers-comments by the CEO… and KIpolis

August 7th, 2012

Council watchdog association needed — Davis, Linda, 2012.07.30

July 30th, 2012

Christmas Cove is threatened by unfinished council works — QoN by Cr Liu for 2012.08.08

July 28th, 2012

Penneshaw Christmas Cove marina — further QoN by Cr Liu, 2012.06.13

June 5th, 2012

Codes of Conduct — Canning, Charlie, 2012.05.26

May 26th, 2012

We voted for councillors who speak as individuals — Knight, Shirley, 2012.05.24

May 24th, 2012

Cr Liu has impeccably good manners — Cr Chirgwin, 2012.05.21

May 21st, 2012

KI Council is in a state of dysfunction — Shearman, Elizabeth, 2012.05.21

May 21st, 2012

Cr Liu notices a glitch in a decision Council made 2012.03.14

April 28th, 2012

Criticism of The Islander brushed aside — a censored letter of Canning, Charlie, 2012.04.03

April 3rd, 2012

The proposed Code of Conduct is illegal and unconstitutional — Cr Liu, 2012.03.31

March 31st, 2012

Untrue statements re legal advice expenses, plus dodgy report and practices — QoNs by Cr Liu, 2012.04.11

March 27th, 2012

Solar panels costs – comparing the competition to the council-supported supplier — UPDATE 2012.03.27

March 27th, 2012

Council and ZEN Home Energy Systems – Cr Liu’s QoN 2012.04.11

March 26th, 2012

Five to four — Canning, Charlie, 2012.03.22

March 22nd, 2012

Why is Council promoting one solar energy provider to the detriment of others? – Cr Liu’s QoN 2012.03.14

March 6th, 2012

Christmas Cove marina, Penneshaw: QoN by Cr Liu, Council’s answers, 2012.01.18

January 29th, 2012

Stokes Bay Road upgrade tender: did Council follow due process? — QoN Cr Liu, 2012.02.08

January 29th, 2012

Councillor Liu asks the CEO to explain his allegations re who’s responsible for legal expenses — QoN 2011.11.09; Council decides to keep its reply secret — UPDATED 2012.11.27

January 18th, 2012

Ozone Hotel outdoor eating area, QoN by Cr Liu, 2012.01.08

January 9th, 2012

CEO dodges more councillor questions — this time on the Penneshaw marina — Liu, Ken, 2011.12.13

December 13th, 2011

Criticism of the CEO and staff is not warranted or accepted — Council resolution, 2011.11.09

November 26th, 2011

Council is in breach of its own code of conduct — Knight, Shirley, 2011.11.24

November 24th, 2011

Kangaroo Island council has acted in a way that is contrary to law — from OmbudsmanSA’s report, 2011.08.26

November 3rd, 2011

Unexpurgated letter of Councillors Chirgwin, Liu and Walkom regarding the attacks on them – 2011.10.26

October 26th, 2011

Councillors Walkom, Liu and Chirgwin respond to the orchestrated attacks on them – their full media statement, 2011.10.26

October 26th, 2011

The Vivonne Bay Surf Pro music festival: Why was the matter not discussed at an open Council meeting? — Councillor Liu, 2011.10.12

October 10th, 2011

Council “informal” gatherings: Councillor Liu asks hard questions, 2011.10.12

October 10th, 2011

Why was Mrs Knight’s question re the Penneshaw CWMS Design Plans not properly addressed ? — Councillor Liu, 2011.08.28

August 28th, 2011

Speed and wildlife on roads are key contributors to road crashes on Kangaroo Island

August 16th, 2011

Thanking dismissed staff at ratepayers’ cost and promoting a private venture — Councillor Liu’s complete, uncensored set of questions, 2011.06.08

June 8th, 2011

Councillor Liu’s motion to introduce a lower speed limit for hire cars on Kangaroo Island roads, 2011.05.11 – defeated 6 to 3

May 11th, 2011

Councillor Liu’s questions re footpaths in American River, 2011.05.04

May 4th, 2011

Councillor Liu’s questions re Council legal expenses for investigating alleged Code of Conduct breaches by elected members, 2011.05.04

May 4th, 2011

Proposals for lowering the large and growing numbers of roads kills on Kangaroo Island – letter to MPs and PMs, by Dr G.Bittar, D. Lanthois, Pres. Baudin Beach Progress Association, K. Liu and G. Walkom, councillors – 2011.05.01; responses received

May 1st, 2011