Council closed meetings and political transparency: Councillor Chirgwin’s Motions on Notice, 2011.08, who voted what

Kangaroo Island Council

17 August 2011 Council


Presentation of her motions by Councillor Rosalie Chirgwin:
Some community members are alarmed at the amount of closed meetings being held by Council. In the interests of public confidence, and for the preservation of responsible government it is vitally important to maintain openness and transparency. The Local Government Act states that meetings are to be held in public except for special circumstances.

The holding of closed meetings is fraught with the danger of elitism, and covert decision making, and runs contrary to the spirit of the Act. As councillors are representatives for the people it is proper that the public are able to observe the processes of their local government.
A rose by any other name is just as sweet.  When Councillors are called together at a specified time to discuss Council issues the assembling of their persons is clearly a meeting. To call meetings by other names such as “gatherings” in order to avoid public scrutiny may appear deceitful.           

I move that when informal meetings are held to enable the discussion of Council affairs without the constraints of a “formal” meeting that they be open to public scrutiny.
For – Crs Walkom, Liu & Chirgwin
Against – Crs Davis, Denholm, Boxall, Clements & Connell

I move that when Council receives delegations or information sessions from other bodies that they be open to the public except for segments which must of necessity be held “In-Camera”.
For – Crs Walkom, Liu, Denholm & Chirgwin
Against – Crs Davis, Boxall, Clements, Connell & Mayor Bates

I move that the public be informed of the issues to be discussed by postings on the web site and in the notice board facing the street. If the issues are known far enough ahead of the meeting time that they also be noted in ‘The Islander”.
CARRIED. 7 For, 1 Against

I move that notices be placed at the doors to the chamber, and wherever possible that one of the double doors be left ajar so as not to intimidate any member of the public who may wish to enter as an observer.
Mayor Bates ruled proposed motion 4 was ultra vires due to proposed motion 1 and 2 being lost.

I move that in order to maintain accountability, and to assist in providing references that the informal meetings be minuted.
For – Crs Walkom, Liu, Denholm & Chirgwin
Against – Crs Davis, Boxall, Clements, Connell & Mayor Bates

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