Penneshaw : the LGA CWMS committee (2013.03.25) is not prepared to subsidise the full scheme

The Local Government Association (LGA) of South Australia has published the minutes of its CWMS Management Committee, for the meeting of 25 March 2013.

The Program Manager tabled a statement from the Penneshaw CWMS Design Consultants – Structural Integrity of Proposed Wastewater Storage Pond.
That the CWMS Management Committee:

3. (re PENNESHAW):
a.  notes the information from S Knight and Council’s Consulting Engineers, and
that it will request certification from Kangaroo Island Council that it is satisfied
that the design for Penneshaw has been completed by competent engineering
designers in accordance with recognised practice;
b. notifies Kangaroo Island Council that the additional design fees incurred by
Council are eligible for seed funding subsidy;
c. notifies Kangaroo Island Council that;

i. it is not prepared to subsidise the full scheme as presently costed and constituted;
ii. it is prepared to subsidise the defined “worst first” areas previously
identified in 2010 as the CBD, Marina, school and limited allotments
abutting, based on minimised treatment and disposal costs; and
iii. it may consider extending subsidy to the “full” area if Council establishes
compelling evidence of environmental and/or Public Health needs

Well… there we go. Council should have listened, from the start, to councillors Liu and Walkom, two engineers with competence. Instead, they have been snubbed and ostracised. Social cost to Kangaroo Island, financial cost to its ratepayers. One can only hope that, from now on, they will be listened to by the Mayor, the other councillors and the CEO. Because there is still much more to resolve on this complex and costly issue…

See Penneshaw planned sewerage dam, QoNs by Cr Liu 2013.04.10 — and sort of answers


2 thoughts on “Penneshaw : the LGA CWMS committee (2013.03.25) is not prepared to subsidise the full scheme

  1. There is none so blind as those who WILL not see…

    We can only hope that this situation, which could have been resolved with the input from the qualified councillors not being ignored, will eventually be resolved to the benefit of the ratepayers and the beautiful town of Penneshaw.

    Thank you Councillors Walkom & Liu for your fine efforts on our behalf.

  2. I completely concur with the remarks from Gabriel and Barbara and the stirling work of Ken and Graham on this matter. A special mention of the persistence and dedication of Shirley Knight – despite being attacked and bad-mouthed by the non-engineers on Council. Well done all.

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