Council does not follow due process re its Penneshaw sewage projects – Knight, Shirley, 2011.06.09

9 Th June, 2011

Acting CEO Mr. John Coombe                                                   Ronald and Shirley Knight

                                                                                                         PO Box 658 Penneshaw, SA 5222

Kangaroo Island Council

Dauncey Street

Kingscote, SA 5223                         


Dear Mr. Coombe

As ratepayers affected by the proposed CWMS project we were disappointed in Newsletter no. 8.  I asked a question at Wednesday’s council meeting in relation to the viewing of the proposed CWMS scheme plan.  The answer was totally improper, incorrect and misleading.    We will be challenging this newsletter in regard to the council’s duty to provide information about when the proposed plan of the scheme will be displayed.  CR Ken Liu proposed a motion which was carried at item 14.6 in the minutes of the April 2011 council meeting which states:  That additional process is included in the program as outlined in the report, namely:

 a:  Display final plan at Penneshaw Community Business Centre for public viewing and comments on completion of the design;

b:   Council considers the appointment of an independent person to undertake a prudential report as required under Section 48(4) of the Local Government Act 1999; and

c:    Public inspection of the prudential report as required under Section 48(5) of the Local Government Act 1999 CARRIED.

If this process is not restored we will make a formal complaint to the Ombudsman and the Minister.

Other Omissions

The stipulated 50m and 100m setbacks from watercourses and coast respectively, that are apparently required for new developments, may be misleading.    The reference to them neglects to clarify the landholders options that exist in relation to substantially reducing these setbacks for wastewater self management/reuse in older subdivisions.  If this is not corrected we will be challenging this omission.

It has neglected to include the option of self-management, which 220 people prefer, as shown by the petition against the scheme.  This option was included in Newsletter no. 7.

I trust that you will give this letter your urgent attention and I look forward to your comments.


Shirley and Ron Knight

DoH Determination re setback distances from coastal waters


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