Dangerous T-junction between Hog Bay Rd and Elsegood Rd — letter to the Minister — Cr Liu. 2014.01.08

Submitted to KIpolis.net by Kangaroo Island councillor Ken Liu, 2014.01.18

After having witnessed a near-miss vehicle collision, it prompted me to email a letter to the State Minister for Road Safety, Michael O’Brien on 8 January 2014 to draw his attention to a road safety matter at the ‘Grace James Corner’, where Hog Bay Road meets Elsegood Road.  My main concern is the potential vehicle collisions which could occur at this T-junction, due mainly to the road layout and inadequate and inappropriate traffic control.  I wrote (as a retired City Engineer, not an Elected Member of KI Council) as follows:

“Dear Minister,

I write to draw your attention to a road safety issue on Kangaroo Island roads.

The issue is about uniformity of installing regulatory control signs at T- Junctions where it is not a requirement by Regulation to install ‘Giveway’ signs at terminating roads.  Incorrect and miss-use of ‘Giveway’ signs at T-junctions would reduce the effectiveness of these control signs and create confusion to motorists.

Despite this road rule, the Department of Road Transport has erected giveway signs at all side roads intersecting with Hog Bay Road from Penneshaw to American River turnoff and along the American River Road.  The attached map shows the locations of ‘Giveway’ signs installed at T-junctions.


After witnessing the ‘Giveway’ signage along the route, drivers in particular those from overseas countries when approaching a T-junction without a giveway sign, could easily mistake that they have the right of way at an intersection, creating a very hazardous situation.   Using Hog Bay Road at ‘Grace James Corner’ as an example, although it is a main arterial road to Kingscote, it does not have the priority when it terminates at a T-junction with Elsegood Road, simply because it does not have a giveway sign.

Further, Hog Bay Road between Penneshaw and Kingscote, to my knowledge is the only highway in South Australia where the traffic from side roads has priority over an arterial road, contradicting the fundamental principles of traffic engineering practice and AUSROADS design guidelines.  Not surprisingly, drivers are often confused when they reach this Corner, as to who has the right of way at the junction resulting in so many near miss accidents and road crashes at this particular location.

In my opinion, the only practical solution is to realign Hog Bay Road at the Grace James intersection for main arterial traffic, with the side road (Elsegood Road) meeting the deviation at a right angle so that there will be no confusion at the junction.

I understand that the Department of Transport has been well aware of this situation for some time, but has taken the ‘do nothing’ option to date.

Given the State Government is endeavoring to double the tourist numbers within a decade on Kangaroo Island and the fact that over 45% of all vehicle crashes on KI roads involved visitors and international drivers, this issue with the irregularity of signage at T-junctions should be addressed as a matter of high priority.”

It would be worthwhile for your readers to peruse the ‘Key Findings’ from RAA road safety audit conducted recently on KI roads which has just been revealed on Council’s Website, under ‘Attachment’ to Report Item 15.2 of January meeting agenda: http://www.kangarooisland.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/minutesAgendas/20140122%20Complete%20Attachments.pdf, in particular its ‘findings’ on page 8, where it made the following comments:

  • When travelling on Hog Bay Road to Kingscote, prior to this T-junction ………………. the road layout would be confusing for those not familiar with the area.
  • The turn lines in the road would also be unfamiliar to tourists and could mislead drivers to think that the road continues to the right and that motorists to the left should give way.
  • It (Grace James Corner) needs to be designed in such a way that provides the least amount of confusion to them (the drivers).
  • The crash history over the past five years indicates that 4 crashes have occurred at this intersection.  Two of these were right angle crashes.
  • While a complete realignment of the intersection may be the preferred solution ………………… in the short term, it is recommended that the T intersection warning signs are replaced with “Give Way” advanced warning signs.

It would appear that my view outlined above concurs with RAA’s findings and hopefully, the State’s Road Authority would take note of our view and make the Grace James Corner safer for everyone.

Ken Liu

KI Address: 7 Giles Street, KINGSCOTE SA 5223  (Ph: 8553 2823)
Adelaide Address: 26 Baird Street, MAWSON LAKES  SA  5095  (Ph: 8162 9698)

Mobile: 0428 322 005 & Email: ken.liu@bigpond.com


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