Submitted by Lara Tilbrook, Kangaroo Island
Glenn Tuffnell will be presenting his extensive knowledge and experience from WA where the forest and farmlands are really suffering from the effects of Phytophthora, the plant destroyer. Western Kangaroo Island Landcare group is facilitating two talks approx 90 mins.
The talks are open to the community and professionals. Feel free to circulate this information.
Kangaroo Island
Monday 7th April @ 3pm NRM Meeting Room
Dauncey St, Kingscote
Waite Campus
Wednesday 16th @ 1pm Charles Hawker
Charles Hawker 107, Charles Hawker Conference Centre
Many People believe there is no answer to Phytophthora cinnamoni. Fortunately this is not true.
Professionals and community devote so much time, energy and resources to enhance and protect biodiversity yet Phytophthora may well be the single largest threat to it, with the potential to destroy habitat and seriously modify vegetation communities and eco systems.
This Presentation has been made possible through Western Kangaroo Island Landcare Group, Lara Tilbrook, funded through a State NRM Program Community Grant. Free Testing is available on site for Kangaroo Island Residents/Landholders, spaces are limited.
If you require any additional information or would like to book a test, please contact Lara Tilbrook on 0438 623 742.
Downloadable information documents:
Its interesting to note that discussions are happening on the topic of plant disease, but I find it even more interesting to note that not much seems to be done to try and prevent any form of disease which may effect the flora of this Island. People are aware that you must not bring certain things to the Island like Honey or Rabbits & what not, but nothing is mentioned regarding plant products which may be carrying certain diseases or parrisites.
Recently while travelling from Cape Jervis on Sealink, I was surprised to see a truck with a load of Tree Mulch in its tray which was obviously from the attached Chipper but from where is unknown & with the number of dead or dying tree’s on the mainland how easy would it be for any number of diseases be in that load of Tree Mulch ????
It really is by luck that we dont have any problems with Honey products or Rabbits & what not as it really is only self policed, & we all know that not everyone does do the right thing all the time…….