Gastroenteritis and Kingscote sewage – Council does not address the matter — Cr Liu 2014.05.07

Dear Web Master,

Having read the post “Evidence of wrongdoing has now become routine in Council – Cr Walkom, 2014.05.05“, I must state that I share the same view and concerns as expressed by the author, as I am currently facing a similar situation.

Over the past 6 months, I have been endeavouring to bring to the attention of Council through emails and ‘questions on notice’ to a public health issue in Kingscote following an apparent increase in the number of gastroenteritis instances on the Island. The main concern raised with me by my constituents is the current problems with septic tanks overflowing onto adjoining land and streets from properties without effluent disposal connections in the township of Kingscote.

To date, this concern appears that has fallen on deaf ears, as the questions which I put to the CEO at both Council’s ordinary meetings held on 12 February and 12 March 2014 were taken on notice and not answered. These questions were:

Item No 8.1.6 (12 February 2014 Meeting)

Question on Notice Re: Kingscote CWMS Extension Program

Question 1:

Within the KI Estate of Kingscote, the area bounded by Vivonne Avenue, Flinders Avenue, Cygnet Road and Kohinoor Road:

a) how many developed properties do not have a CWMS connection?

b) Are these property owners currently paying the full annual service charge even they do not have a septic tank connection?

c) How often are the septic tanks in these properties without connections inspected to ensure compliance with Council’s policy and Health Regulations?

Answers: Taken on Notice

Question 2:

Given the Kingscote CWMS extension works program outlined in CEO’s report (with construction date planned for 2012-13 or possibly earlier) was endorsed by Council at its meeting held on 13/4/2011 (Resolution

a) Have all necessary easements been purchased for the network extensions per advice given on ‘Answer 5′ of agenda Item 8.1.1? If not, how many of those have yet to be secured for the program?

b) Which sections of the pipe network have been completed or extended to date?

c) What is the program for the remaining network extensions?

d) How many additional connections have been provided since the program has commenced?

e) How many connections have yet to be provided?

f) When will Council see that all properties with septic tanks in Kingscote are connected to the CWMS as per the endorsed plans?

Answers: Taken on Notice.

Given these questions were taken on notice by the CEO pending on his workload and priorities of the matter (Minutes 8.1.13 of February 2014 meeting), I put forward further questions (see below) to Council at its 12 March 2014 meeting.

Item No 8.1.2 (12 March 2014 Meeting)

Question on Notice Re: Septic Tank Issues

Question 1:

In light of Council’s resolution 8.1.13 (12/2/2014), could the CEO advise the Kingscote Community when will the QoNs contained in Item 8.1.6 raised by them in relation to septic tank issues be responded to, in particular Q1(c) with regard to the frequency of inspections of septic tanks in properties without STEDS connections in KI Estate (the area bounded by Vivonne Avenue, Flinders Avenue, Cygnet Road and Kohinoor Road), to ensure compliance with Council’s policy and Health Regulations?

Question 2:

How many septic tanks within KI Estate and other areas of Kingscote, in particular those without STEDS connections is Council aware of not having been desludged in the last 4 years as required by Health Regulations and Clause 9 of Council’s CWMS Policy?

Question 3:

Given the recent discovery of high Ecoli readings in Penneshaw from problem septic tanks near Frenchmans Rock, what action has been taken as a matter of urgency to ensure that those septic tanks identified in Question 2 are desludged as required, maintained in good order and operated in accordance with Health Regulations and are not a hazard for the local residents and visitors?

Answer: Taken on notice

Since these questions have again been taken on notice and not answered, I forwarded further questions on 4 May 2014 for a reply at the next Council meeting to be held on 14/5/2014.

Question 1:

When will the septic tank issues which I raised on behalf of the concerned Kingscote community at the ordinary meetings of Council held on 12 February 2014 (Item 8.1.6 on page 10 of the Minutes) and 12 March 2014 (Item 8.1.2 on page 4 of the Minutes) under Questions on Notice which were taken on notice, be responded to?

Question 2:

Does Council regard the concerns raised by the Kingscote community as not of high priority to be responded to although the issues with effluent overflowing and public health risks were brought to the attention of the CEO though a series of emails as far back as December 2013?

The Kingscote community would have justification to seek intervention by a higher authority, should these questions be again deferred.

Cr Ken Liu
PO Box 80, KINGSCOTE SA 5223
Ph: 8553 2823 & Mobile: 0428 322 005

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