Hands Across the Sand on Kangaroo Island 2014.05.17 — Tilbrook, Lara

Submitted by Lara Tilbrook, 2014.05.14

‘Hands Across The Sand’

As part of an international day of action, ‘Hands Across the Sand’ will be held at Kingscote Beach and Stokes Bay, Kangaroo Island on Saturday the 17th of May at 11am to express concerns over the proposed seismic testing and drilling for oil and gas off the North West coast.  

On the same day people all around the world will join hands to symbolise supporting the advancement of clean energy sources that will sustain our planet.  This movement is about protecting coastal economies, oceans, marine wildlife and fisheries from the threats of expanded offshore drilling and the accidents associated with it.

The region proposed for testing and drilling off Kangaroo Island is in close proximity to the KI canyons, pool and upwelling.   This area is one of only three known feeding areas in Australian waters for the endangered blue whale. It also supports a host of unique marine species including the threatened Australian Sea-lion, dolphins, whales, sharks and southern bluefin tuna.  Logic would suggest that this habitat should be protected, but Bight Petroleum has plans for oil and gas exploration.

Please get involved and join hands to say NO to dirty fuels and YES to clean energy.  The events are family friendly, all are welcome.  There will be Kite flying at Kingscote opposite the ozone and at Stokes there will be Oceanic crafts and picnic at the BBQ shelter, please bring a plate of food to share.  Meet at 11 am.  More information is available at www.handsacrossthesand.com .

Kingscote contact Sharon Zealand shazealand@live.com 

Stokes Bay contact laratilbrook@gmail.com/0438623742 

Facebook Hands Across the Sand – Kangaroo Island 2014.

Images from the 2013 event at Stokes Bay:
Hands across the sand
Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information.
Thank you for your support.
Best Wishes
Lara Tilbrook

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