The Islander did not publish council candidate Nada Clark’s answers, so here they are — 2014.10.19

Readers of The Islander edition dated 16th Oct. 2014 may have noted that of the 13 candidates for Council who were asked by the newspaper to answer a (very…) limited series of questions, one of these had her answers unpublished:

Nada Clark.

The Islander providing a spurious reason for this. Leading people to believe that candidate Nada Clark refused to have her address published. Untrue. She did not want the street number published, that’s all, for a reason most understandable:

As a Registered Nurse, I have experienced my share of abuse and harassment from loopy patients (drug and mental) including events that have required police escorts and protection of my home. You can be assured that Electoral Commission insists on residency( see the attached link and I was prepared to supply my town and street to “The Islander”  but they insisted full street address. Unnecessarily in my view.

This candidate has had her share of mistreatment — see “Nada Clark IS candidate, whatever Council says — 2014.09.25

So, for the sake of fairness and transparency, here’s the information that the sole newspaper on Kangaroo Island has withheld. webmaster



Nomination for Kangaroo Island Councillor

QUESTION. What are your thoughts on a commissioner for Kangaroo Island?
ANSWER. The decision for Commissioner has been decided; who it will be is the next question — and how effective…

QUESTION What one thing will you be looking to achieve if elected to Council?
ANSWER. I hope to be able to make the strong decisions needed to address our financial debacle, and hopefully keep our rates reasonable.

QUESTION. Are you in favour of a new ferry service from Glenelg to Kingscote and why?
ANSWER. Absolutely. A new ferry service would bring some life and prosperity back into Kingscote, which would flow onto the Island as a whole.

QUESTION. How do you see Kangaroo Island in five years time?
ANSWER. Kangaroo Island is unique and special with some special concerns; hopefully we can maintain the uniqueness but still have some growth and development to maintain a workforce for the working population.

Nada Clark biography :

Born in Adelaide to farming parents, we settled in Mt Barker when I was 5. With strong family island connections, I spent most school holidays on grandfather’s farm at Point Morrison and developed a passion for farm and island life.
I graduated as a nurse in 1971, then nursed to support my extensive world travels. I obtained several nursing qualifications and my work included 10 years in the air force including service in Malaysia.
I was proprietor of a furniture manufacturing and retail business in the 90’s, a hobby farmer in the deer industry in the 80’s, and worked in tourism in New Zealand in the 70’s besides maintaining a nursing career.
I now live in American River and work at our local hospital as a Registered Nurse.
I have two young grandchildren, with whom I want to share Kangaroo Island as it has always been.
I will listen to any community member and do my utmost to find a result.
Mum’s advice was “ask questions, you will probably be helping people who are too afraid to ask questions”. I will ask questions! I will keep the community informed and fulfil the role as councillor as my ancestors on Kangaroo Island indeed did, in the best possible way.

My contact is nadaclarkAThotmailDOTcom  or phone 0433339172 if you have any questions or queries.  As I do shift work at the hospital the phone may not be answered when on duty.

Authorised by Nada Clark, Falie Court American River 5221


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