Thanking dismissed staff at ratepayers’ cost and promoting a private venture — Councillor Liu’s complete, uncensored set of questions, 2011.06.08

Councillor Liu’s complete, uncensored set of Questions on Notice, Kangaroo Island Council, 2011.06.08

[Notes by the webmaster:

Thanking dismissed staff at ratepayers’ cost and promoting a private venture

Cf. also “Why is Council promoting one solar energy provider to the detriment of others? – Cr Liu’s QoN 2012.03.14“]

Questions 1 and 2 were removed from Council’s minutes following a request from the Mayor.

For comparison: True Value Solar kits, installed on Kangaroo Island in October 2011, consisting of 10x 190W CEEG SST 190-72m panels + 2kW Growatt inverter, were an all-inclusive total of AU$ 5’619.  A mid-August quote from ZEN Home Energy Systems for an equivalent system in terms of output, quality and warranty, was AU$ 8’100 — 44% more expensive. —

End of Notes by the webmaster.]


Please find below a copy of my QON relating to the 12/5/2011 issues of ‘Council Matters’ in The Islander which I forwarded to Council for a response at the June Meeting. If you see that it is appropriate, please upload it onto you website.

My QON has been referred to Mayor Bates for approval. I understand that she is seeking a legal advice to block my questions to be included in the agenda. I will let you know the outcome after I received her response.


Questions on Notice
June Meeting of Council 2011.06.08

Re: Council Matters 2011.05.12

Over the past few days, I have received a considerable number of complaints from irate community members who have read the ‘thank you notice’ which appeared in the 12/5/2011 issue of ‘Council Matters’ in The Islander.

I have also received two enquiries as to why Council had an advertisement for ZEN Home Energy Systems placed in ‘Council Matters’. It should be noted that there are a number of new solar panel installers available to home owners on Kangaroo Island providing the same services as ZEN and at very competitive prices.

In light of the complaints received, I have given an undertaking to seek a response to the issues raised by community members and my questions are:

Question 1
Who authorized the publishing of the 12/5/2011 issue of the ‘Council Matters’ in The Islander?

Question censored, left unanswered

Question 2
Is it an acceptable practice for staff to place a ‘thank you notice’ in ‘Council Matters’ at ratepayers’ expense in lieu of having it advertised in the THANK YOU column of The Islander?

Question censored, left unanswered

Question 3
Does Council have a policy on publishing such materials (question 2 above) in ‘Council Matters’? If so, please state the policy.

Answer : In terms of publishing material concerning staff in the media, Council does have a Media Policy, in which it is stated that:

“The Chief Executive Officer is the official spokesperson on all matters concerning Council’s operations including staff, administrative, election and industrial matters. Additionally, the Chief Executive Officer may act as the Council spokesperson in regard to technical or legislative matters affecting policy. The use of “Council Matters” to communicate matters concerning staff has been used on many occasions, such as the death of Mr. Ben Cook in a recent car accident, the departure of staff such as Mr. Christian Barrios, and the arrival of staff such as Mr. Andrew Boardman, Mr. Andrew Cole and Mr. John Coombes as current Acting-CEO.

The “Council Matters” section of the Islander Newspaper is a pre-booked section of the paper, booked on an annual basis so that Council receives the economy of scale in pricing and minimize cost and, thus, achieves value for money in its use of the newspaper. It also provides a single location for all Council communication with the Islander.

Community feedback, sourced from the 2009 CPM results, highlight a strong importance held in access to Council information, with “Council Matters” being rated the highest in usefulness to the community in receiving Council information.

Question 4
Does Council have a business interest or agreement with ZEN Home Energy Systems? If not, what are the benefits for publishing promotional materials for this company?

Answer: The Council does not have a direct business interest or agreement with ZEN Home Energy Systems.

ZEN Home Energy Systems are a South Australian Local Government Association-endorsed company, engaged by the LGA to deliver the Solar Councils Community Program. Kangaroo Island Council has joined with this program as it is seen as an active program of reducing the carbon footprint of the Council area.

The benefit to Kangaroo Island Council of the Solar Councils Community program are:
• An Off-the-shelf program with proven benefits;
• Local economic benefits;
• Achieves a contribution towards Renewable Energy Targets at no cost;
• Provides for Energy efficiency audits, and;
• Positive public relations

Question 5
What is Council’s current policy on advertising for private service providers, such as ZEN Home Energy Systems in ‘Council Matters’?

Council does not advertise for any private service providers. The promotional material was communicated due to its nature of being part of the SA LGA’s Solar Councils Community Program (see ).

Question 6
Does the promotional material for ZEN Home Energy Systems published in ‘Council Matters’ comply with the fair trading provision of the ‘Competition and Consumer Act 2010’ and meet the rules as set by the Australian Consumers & Competition Commission (ACCC)?

Answer: The promotional material used was consistent with that utilized by the LGA and other South Australian Councils. A definitive answer, if one was required further than that the material used was consistent with that used by other South Australian Councils, would require legal advice as to whether the promotional material complies with the fair trading provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, and meets the rules as set by the Australian Consumers & Competition Commission.

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