A firebreak to the north of American River was part of the initial bushfire risk plan for Kangaroo Island — Halley, Irene, 2010.12.23

Amid the late reports (questions on notice) for the December 10 Kangaroo Island Council meeting is number 8.1.5, a report on completion of the American River fire break, written by Ms Carmel Noon responding to a question on notice from Councillor Graham Walkom.

Ms Noon states that the KI Bush Fire Risk Management Plan does not include an East West fire break to the north of America River township. However, map 2G in the plan clearly shows the line labelled “zone 73” of the intended firetrack around American River township and it unquestionably has an East West leg to it.

Ms Noon also states “Ms Irene Halley was the American River representative on the Bushfire Prevention Committee” which is true. I was diligent in attending the meetings and made representations of the need felt at American River for a defense line to the immediate north of the township. As a member of that committee I received a copy of the plan which was authorised for action at State Government level including signed off by Native Vegetation Council.

To single out my name, from about 20 who passed through those meetings in the couple of years I attended, would infer that I would support her statements and is misrepresenting my position on the matter.

When work on the firetrack as per the plan was started in September, 2009, it became apparent the terrain on the East West leg was to steep for hydro-axe or fire truck to negotiate. This information was relayed to the last meeting of the outgoing BFP committe after my questioning and no comment on a solution was offered.

Senior members of the American River CFS did an on-ground inspection and presented a solution to American River Progress Association early in 2010, that entailed a track being located on two adjoining ridgetops a little further north to the originally proposed line. It is a simple means of completing an access line around the town for fire defense work to be implemented when the need arises.

Our council CEO is skilled at writing reports and procedures, however I wonder why the energy put into producing specious arguments is not being put to better use by working with the community to achieve mutually satisfying outcomes on the ground.

Irene Halley
American River

Published in The Islander 2010.12.23

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