Kangaroo Island Council prefers to conduct business in secret without minutes or public scrutiny — De Mather, Ian, 2011.10.27

Kangaroo Island Council meeting minutes indicate council met 5 times at so called “informal gatherings” in a 3 month period and a special meeting where apparently a quorum was not in attendance.

Why does Council deem it necessary to hold these unrecorded “meetings” more often than scheduled monthly meetings?  As it is an accountable level of elected government I find it abhorrent that Council seems to prefer to conduct business in secret without minutes or public scrutiny.  Apparently these gatherings don’t have set agenda but have items to be discussed. Gosh, isn’t that what an agenda is.

If council wants to split hairs over terminology of agenda at these informal (secret) meetings what assurance is there that other issues or matters are not conducted without due regard to formality? How can I as a resident on the Island judge Council and Councilors conduct if no formal record exists. For example the matter or Box Point Rd was considered at one of these gatherings.  What hope if any do I have under Freedom of Information legislation ascertaining how this still unresolved matter was attended to?
While Council may deem these gatherings as efficient and effective they create a serious doubt about open accountable governance.

Ian De Mather
Stokes Bay

Published in The Islander, 2011.10.27

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