Criticism of the CEO and staff is not warranted or accepted — Council resolution, 2011.11.09

Letter by Shirley and Ron Knight to Council — and Council’s response… and confirmation of response…

Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum…


Re: Subject matter of Agenda correspondence – meeting 9/11/2011

Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 3:25 PM

Subject: Shocking behaviour

CEO Kangaroo Island Council Andrew Boardman and all councillors and staff.

Dear Andrew,

I was disappointed to see in The Islander last week your apparent participation of the seemingly scurrilous attempt to diminish the excellent contribution of your councillors Liu, Walkom and Chirgwin.

Each in their own way have shown their talents in contributing to the council affairs in the last year.

Whether or not the other six councillors and Mayor thought so, each of them have put shame on themselves and council, for being complicit in allowing the publication of incorrect and subjective matters.

In particular, a matter of an Ombudsman’s report kept confidential showed that the council’s action had not been legal.

After all the innuendoes and finger pointing it is surprising that those people feel they are representing the ratepayers of Kangaroo Island many of whom are fed up with the attitude being shown to these three councillors. It is not surprising that some members of the community are asking what are their motives including Ron and myself.

As CEO I would have thought and expected that you have a duty to show leadership in not allowing these matters to get out of hand and that transparency in all things is paramount. Please place this letter as correspondence for the next formal council meeting. I look forward to your response.


Shirley and Ron Knight

Relevant codes of conduct to which I referred in my letter to Islander 24.11.2011

Council Code of Conduct adopted June, 2011

2.3 Council Members must be fair and honest in their dealings with individuals and organisations and behave in a manner which facilitates constructive communication between Council and the community.

2.3.1 Be honest and fair with all members of the community.

2.3.2 Be courteous and sensitive and will not discriminate against people.

2.3.4 Respect electors’ opinions and property


Council’s response…

Kangaroo Island resolution 17.5.1 (2011.11.09):

That Council advise Mr & Mrs Knight that an investigation into the alleged illegality of our Informal Gatherings and associated breaches of confidence has been requested of the Ombudsman. Their criticism is noted however not accepted and we await the outcome of the Ombudsman’s report with interest. Criticism of the Chief Executive Officer and staff is not warranted or accepted.

Moved Cr Clements     Seconded Cr Willson

Adopted unanimously…


Three councillors, who felt they had been pressurised by their peers into voting this unwise and silly resolution, decided that it should be rescinded.

Councillor Graham Walkom’s Notice of Motion for councils 14 December 2011 meeting

At Item 17.5 of correspondence in the agenda of 9th Nov 2011 council meeting, Ron and Shirley Knight questioned by way of email to the CEO the possibility of complicity in The Islander’s attack on councillors Chirgwin, Liu and Walkom. No accusations or criticism of the CEO or other staff was made as the correspondence was well qualified with “apparent” and “seemingly” and sought the CEO’s response. There was no reference in the correspondence to any other matter or topic. Council saw fit to pass the [above] resolution.

This resolution [17.5.1] is substantially irrelevant to the correspondence referenced at 17.5 and at variance with council’s policies of encouraging community input and comment on council’s action and performance. Further and most importantly it effectively resolves that criticism is not accepted by anyone in the KI community.

Motion: That Council rescinds resolution 17.5.1 of the 9th November 2011 meeting.

Councillors Walkom, Liu and Chirgwin voted in favour of rescission, the other councillors voted against. Rejected 6 to 3.


One thought on “Criticism of the CEO and staff is not warranted or accepted — Council resolution, 2011.11.09

  1. During the “debate’ concerning that motion at the November Meeting Mrs Knight endured a vitriolic attack by a councillor. I cried out “Order”, in an attempt to have the Mayor curtail that councillor, but unfortunately, she ruled in favour of the attacker. The ensuing motion was contrived with input from the mayor, deputy mayor and CEO, and did not follow proper formal meeting procedures. When I saw the resulting motion in the Minutes I was astounded, and wondered if it was really what we had voted for. It was, in my opinion a shameful construction and should be rescinded. In speaking for the rescission motion at the December meeting I unsuccessfully called for an apology to be made to Mrs Knight.

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