The Islander: a mouthpiece for a dictatorial, colluding and secretive faction of Council – Pattingale, Daniel, 2011.12.04

From: Daniel Pattingale
To: The Islander
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 9:40 PM
Subject: Letter to the editor
Dear Editor,
I have noticed over the last few weeks that your editorial has taken a different direction to your usual general comment on events and issues on Kangaroo Island. Lately, you seem to be less interested in playing the ball and more interested in playing the man, particularly in regard to a number of people involved in, or having dealings with the Kangaroo Island Council. Your paper has also carried front page articles written by you that could arguably be said to shine a rosy light on one faction of Council, and a rather darker light on the other. My impression is that you are becoming a mouthpiece for a faction of Council that many residents consider to be dictatorial, colluding and secretive.
Surely the last thing the residents of the Island want is a rubber-stamp Council, one that decides what will be, with little regard to the views and opinions of the ratepayers. Surely we want a Council that acts in the interests of the majority, not just the few, and one that applies the principles of democracy, not dictatorship. Surely Councillors are charged with acting for the ratepayers and the good of the community, not just directing events as they personally see fit. It is for the good of the community that Council is honest, open and transparent, regardless of the financial cost, and without people questioning Council’s decisions and actions, this is unlikely to be the case. It is also for the good of the community that those in such a position of trust not only act in a fair and just manner, but also be able to publicly justify their decisions, something that seems to be currently lacking with this Council.
It is a great pity that, when faced with the lack of candidates at elections, we must choose one to discard and are stuck with the rest. Perhaps it’s time for those who are rusted on to their seats to be levered out and allow some new blood in, or at least some new thinking.
I am looking forward to your next few editorials that may, hopefully, provide the balance that good newspapers provide.
Yours sincerely,
Daniel Pattingale

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