Christmas Cove marina, Penneshaw: QoN by Cr Liu, Council’s answers, 2012.01.18

[see also development on 2012.06 post]

Item submitted by Councillor Liu, Kangaroo Island

Questions on Notice
December Meeting of Council (14/12/2011) 

Re: Christmas Cove Marina [Penneshaw]

In recent times, I have received a number of enquiries from community members relating to the usage of the berthing facility at the Christmas Cove Marina [Penneshaw] and request that a response be provided to the following questions:

Question 1

When were the pontoons for marina berths installed at Christmas Cove and at what cost?

Answer 1

The pontoons for marina berths were installed at Christmas Cove in November 2006, following the seeking of quotations from various suppliers. Superior Jetties were the successful supplier and the pontoons were installed at an initial cost of $ 133,600 plus GST.

Additional costs included:
1. SAWater application for potable water supply- $2,702 (KIC P.O. 17700)
2. ETSA electrical reticulation- $5,907
3. Superior Jetties- additional brackets & security gate- $5,240( KIC Po 19037)
4. Iron Ranger PAYG unit- $1200

Question 2

Did Council approve the development work (question 1 above)? If so, was a business/financial plan to support this development provided to Council for the decision making?

Answer 2

DAC were the relevant planning authority for the application 520/218/01, they issued Development Plan Consent on 18.06.2002 Council then proceeded to obtain Private Building Rules Certification through its consultant building surveyors, Katnich Dodd, duly obtaining Building Rules Consent on 23.05.2003. Full Development Approval was Issued on 26.05.2003.

With respect to the business plan that Cr. Liu inquires about a business plan is neither a requirement for a development application (requirements for Development Applications are contained in Schedule 5 of the Regulations), nor would it be considered in assessment as it has no real relativity to the Development Plan.

We can find no evidence of a financial plan being put before Council at this time from minutes of meetings of either Christmas Cove Management Committee (CCMC) or Council.

The recommendation from the CCMC to go ahead with the work is attached.

We assume that the proposal simply followed on from the original Cove Project Plan initiated in 2002 by the Technical Services Manager at that time (Mr Ken Liu).

Question 3

Who funded the cost of this berthing facility? If it was funded by the ratepayers, how was the fund raised?

Answer 3

An application was submitted to SABFAC for funds to install the berthing facility at Christmas Cove. On November 6th 2006, Minister P. Conlon wrote to A/Mayor J. Bates advising that a distribution of $120,000 from SABFAC was approved for allocation to this work. (file 7.8.24).

Additional funds raised from the leasing payments from permanent berthing were used to fund the shortfall of installation costs.

Question 4

Have any of these marina berths been sold or leased to private individuals? If so, how much has Council recouped from the development cost?

Answer 4

Two of the berths have been leased to private individuals, while other berths have been hired for varying lengths of time, in accordance with Councils fees & charges applicable for this facility. A total of $134,464 has been recouped from these leases so far.

Question 5

Has Council retained any of these marina berths for public use? If so, how many of them are available and what is the total income from mooring fees received since the completion of the berthing facility to date?

Answer 5

Under the terms of the funding from Minister Conlon, no more than 10 pontoons can be leased, while the remainder must remain available for public use. This has occurred. A total of $9,610 has been received so far in mooring fees.

Question 6

How much has Council spent on the management and maintenance of the berthing facility including maintaining safe basin depth since these pontoons were installed?

Answer 6

1. From records the following Operational Expenses figures emerge:
2006/07 – $ 1,440
2007/08 – $ 17,405 (of which legal fees $8,460)
2008/09 – $ 42,401 (of which legal fees $15,756)
2009/10 – $ 13,762
2010/11 – $ 9,583

However, these items are related to the Christmas Cove Facility as an entirety.

Operational expenses with regard to the mooring pontoons has been minimal, with the expenditure in 1 (above) related to items such as breakwater reinstatement, access road repairs, maintenance of sullage point, supply of additional rock for revetment, supply & installation of replacement brackets and general maintenance of the site.

The pontoons installed in both phases of the installation have performed suitably following some initial issues in 2004/05, when the maker returned to site to rectify.

2. In 2006/07 Flinders Ports were engaged to undertake a seabed survey swathe. This was completed and presented to Council at no cost. In 2009/10 another seabed survey was undertaken by Flinders Ports at a cost of $2200 (est.). This information is available for the public & mariners on Council’s website under Boating Facilities.

3. The 2009/10 survey showed some ‘growth’ of the internal seabed across the basin, while also demonstrating a lowering of the entry to the area between the two breakwater outcrops. This has been considered to indicate another survey is required in 2012/2013 with possible dredging required in 2015, dependant on survey results.

Question 7

When will these pontoons be due for replacement and at what cost? Who will be paying for the replacement and, how will the cost be recouped?

Answer 7

1. Based on the performance of the pontoons since 2006 it is considered they may be due for replacement at approximately 2020, however future monitoring of their condition will determine a more accurate assessment.

2. The cost of replacement in 2020 is not able to be provided and it is expected that calculation of a projected current cost + CPI may not accurately reflect future costs.

3. Under the terms of the SABFAC funding, Council will be responsible for future maintenance & replacement. It was considered that the lease fees collected should be reserved for final development of the site and the balance held for future replacement.

Fees collected on an annual basis from leases were intended to cater for the annual maintenance of the facility. This amount varies under the terms of each individual lease.

Question 8

Does Council have a Management Plan for this berthing facility? If so, will it be available for public inspection?

Answer 8

A Marketing Plan will be presented in February 2012 to Elected Members by Communications, Engagement and Marketing General Manager.
This plan will form part of a management plan that is to be completed for implementation in 2012-13.

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