Why is Councillor Chirgwin declared “absent” when she is not, and her apologies refused when she is? – QoN 2012.03.14

Questions on Notice
by Kangaroo Island Councillor Rosalie Chirgwin
Regular Council Meeting of 14th March, 2012

Re : Refusal to Accept Apology rendered by Cr Chirgwin

According  to the LGA Meeting Procedures Handbook 2010 p 17 there is no formal requirement for apologies to be given. Unless an absence has been anticipated prior to the printing of the Agenda, it appears from past meetings that  apologies have also been accepted from the floor at Item 2, Apologies, once the meeting commences.

Question 1
In the term of this current council how many apologies have been made directly through the CEO, and how many separate to advising the CEO?

Question 2
When and how did the procedure  for rendering apologies change ?

Question 3
Who authorised the change ?

One of the core values underpinning Kangaroo Island’s vision statement is
EQUALITY – “To treat  (…)  each other with trust, honesty, tolerance  and respect.
Under the Code of Conduct 2.4.2 members will conduct the relationship with courtesy and respect.

Question 4
Why then did not the Chair trust that Cr Chirgwin was unexpectedly incapacitated, respect that the fellow councillors were honestly reporting her condition, and with courtesy accept her apology, tolerating any inconsequential deficiency which may have been perceived to have occurred ?

                 Re :  Recording of “Absent” in the Minutes

The Local Government  (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2000 at 9(4)(a) make it quite clear that the minutes of the proceedings of a meeting must include  the names of the members present at the meeting, and the times at which they entered or left if they are not present for the entire meeting.
It says nothing about recording absences.

Question 1
Why has Cr Chirgwin been listed as “absent” at both the regular meetings of 18th January and 8th February ?

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