Your editorial this week is outside the boundaries of decency — MP Pengilly writes to The Islander editor

Dear KIC elected members

Please find below an email I sent to the Editor of the Islander in relation to her editorial last week.

I consider this form of attack on volunteers as a gross misuse of such a position and would defend any of you in such a way.


Michael Pengilly
Member for Finniss

From: Pengilly, Michael
Sent: Friday, 23 March 2012 9:33 AM
To: ‘Shauna Black’
Subject: Editorial

Dear Shauna,

I wanted you to know that I believe your editorial this week is outside the boundaries of decency in my opinion. The front page article is irrelevant in the discussion. It is not important in the scheme of things and the “he said, she said” comments people can make their own minds up on. Ongoing scraps in this council and others are something for them to deal with. It’s nothing new !

What peeves me greatly is your attack as a well paid local newspaper editor is on a volunteer elected by the people of, in this case Kangaroo Island, to the local council.

The Islander is a local community newspaper and not a capital city daily. Self opinionated, self righteous editorials such as this weeks have no place and is most unfair on a volunteer.

It is hard not to notice the campaign of vindictive and constant diatribe against Cllr. Chirgwin, it seems that a campaign of hatred is directed towards her.

The community through the local govt. electoral cycle have the chance every 4 years or so to re-elect or throw out elected members as at all levels of govt. and it is indecent and inappropriate for you to use your position in such a manner.

Is this the view of Rural Press and the Fairfax owners ?

Articles in the local paper directing your opinion on my activities do not fuss me as it is a completely different role and I am not a volunteer.

Personally I believe you should put in a written apology for attacking the volunteer ethic and in this case Cllr. Chirgwin, it was a disgrace.

I am happy to discuss the matter face to face but am outraged at your attacking a volunteer in my electorate in such a  manner.

Be in no doubt the public is in uproar over your article, judging by phone calls to me, my office and approaches at the public meeting last night you have done yourself and the local paper immense damage.

I sincerely hope that in future you do not attack volunteers in this way again as they are the core of communities around the state and nation.

Yours sincerely

Michael Pengilly
Member for Finniss
Parliament of South Australia

3 thoughts on “Your editorial this week is outside the boundaries of decency — MP Pengilly writes to The Islander editor

  1. I have never had the pleasure of meeting Cr Chirgwin but it does seem to me significant that 6 of her fellow “volunteers” believe that she should “be censured for breaching the Code of Conduct as per page 4 and 5 of the KI Council Code of Conduct June 2011-June 2012”. (Minutes of a special meeting of Kangaroo Island Council held 16 March 2012.)

    They work with her and I feel that they would be the best judges.

  2. David, I take your point, however, having sat through every Council meeting since the new councillors were elected bar three meetings, I have got to know Rosalie and the other 6 councillors who voted as a block to put down a committed councillor in a most public manner. That experience prompted me to write a letter to the Islander in defense of Rosalie; printed today. I point out further concerns I have of the executive, Mayor and other six councillors. The reason I was not in attendence for the next three meetings was because of the deplorable behvaviour meated out to me at the November meeting when the same six councillors, Mayor and CEO breached all of their codes of conduct. My sin was due to a letter/email I sent to the CEO complaining about the deplorable behaviour to me as a ratepayer. I agree whole heartedly with Michael Pengilly Please familiarise yourself with our community website again to keep yourself informed. I promise you, you will not be bored.

  3. Shirley, I read the agenda and minutes every month! Always a worthwhile half hour.

    I still think that Rosalie is her own worst enemy as she is not treating these matters with the urgency they deserve and require. Delaying response to requests for information and meetings only serves to create suspicion that she has something to hide (Who failed ? — emails exchanged between Cr Chirgwin and LGA’s Ms Stevens, Nov-Dec. 2011 – this board).

    Cr Chirgwin has a lot to explain – if true, why has she not signed the council’s code of conduct? why does she apparently vote against even inconsequential matters? She may be a lovely person (as I say I have yet to have the pleasure) but I don’t think she’s being a good councillor.

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