Planned: Ratepayers to be squeezed for a further 5.7% rates increase, with further 16% increase for Council employees — Unhappy Cr Walkom’s QoN 2012.05.09

This is a question on notice that I have submitted to council for the 9th May 2012 meeting. They are my personal views and not necessarily the position of the audit committee or Kangaroo Island council.

Councillor Graham Walkom

Question on Notice for the 9th May 2012 KI Council Meeting

In recent audit committee meetings of council I have raised the concern that whilst rates are consistently increasing for island ratepayers at a rate well above [Consumer Price Index] (CPI +5.71%, [which would translate to an increase of] $427,000 likely for the coming year), more than this amount then goes to increased employee costs : +16.04%, or up $538,301 likely for the coming year 2012/13.

The size of this increase is not unique to the next budget and appears to support a very substantial community view that their council administration (as distinct from outdoor employees) is excessive and a key reason for the declining standard of expenditure on our roads. As a councillor I get more grizzles about this issue than any other.

As it is intended to brief ratepayers at community meetings in May and to encourage them to comment on the budget:

Q1. What information will be advised to ratepayers at these consultation sessions about these ballooning employee costs?

Q2. What action is intended to be taken to proportion employee costs adjustments in line with other council expenses?

Q3. If all council expenditure increased in proportion to employee costs, what percentage rates increase would ratepayers expect for the 2012/13 year?

Cr Graham Walkom

[Published in The Islander 2012.05.03]

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