Cr Liu has impeccably good manners — Cr Chirgwin, 2012.05.21

Cr Liu has impeccably good manners and as a highly qualified engineer with much local government experience brought a wealth of knowledge to council. No doubt that  influenced residents to give him twice the number of votes of other candidates. How sad it has been to see him being treated with contempt by the majority of council!

Cr Liu has struggled for openness, yet council has repeatedly frustrated his efforts to serve the ratepayers who placed their confidence in him.

Anyone with a basic understanding of justice would be staggered reading of the methodologies and  “findings” of the expensive LGA Panels. Are ratepayers happy to continue paying to have such inquisitions fostered on the representatives who question the party line?

With regard to ‘Mayor votes no to intervention’, may I remind readers that at the October meeting when I was the only one who voted against the proposition Mayor Bates immediately accepted a retaliatory no confidence motion against me from Crs Willson and Davis. How strange that the people who censured me there have now voted against intervention!

Cr Rosalie Chirgwin

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