Council CEO refuses to release interim plans for Penneshaw sewerage project — Knight, Shirley, 2012.05.19

Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: Penneshaw CWMS
Dear Andrew,  Your response is to say the least arrogant, bullying and insensitive.  “Unable to release plans for public consultation that have not been authorised as final by resolution of Council”.  You cannot be serious.  We are the community who are entitled to see the drafts, plans and or changes to plans along the process if there is to be any transparency with this council.  The plans appear to be a major change to the one we were offered.  Do you stop to understand that the community of Penneshaw has waited patiently now for three and half years knowing that the majority of the township do not want it and yet we still have this seemingly endless determination to press a head with it whatever the expense to the Island, the environmental cost to the community and possible loss of value to their assets.  Regards.  Shirley Knight
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 4:39 PM
Subject: RE: Penneshaw CWMS

[response by A. Boardman, CEO]

From: Ronald and Shirley Knight []
Sent: Friday, 18 May 2012 4:15 PM
To: Andrew Boardman
Subject: Penneshaw CWMS

Dear Andrew,  I am aware of the situation about the leaking of the plans for the CWMS Project.   It is not the fault of the rest of the community that a councilor/PD has considered it necessary to show the plans to a chosen few.   It will be grossly unfair if the rest of the community cannot see them now having been shown to others.  No doubt there is a great possibility that the chosen few have already mentioned the plans to others.   They should be put on view at the Business Centre in Penneshaw now.  Please respond to this email promptly because I believe the longer the plans are out known to be out there the greater the annoyance there will be in the community.
Shirley Knight

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