We voted for councillors who speak as individuals — Knight, Shirley, 2012.05.24

Your editorial (The Islander, 17/5/2012) implies that Kangaroo Island Council is dysfunctional and I agree with it.  What do you do with a dysfunctional council?  An Administrator should come in to sort it out.

Your editorials and front page stories often try to indicate that only some councillors are the problem.  I beg to differ and I wonder if you should tell it as most in the community sees it; it is that we have two groups of power brokers three of whom are extremely knowledgeable and provide well reasoned debate, but in the event of a tied vote the Mayor sees it differently and uses her veto to do it her way.  This is not always in the best interests of the community and adds to the dysfunction.  Editor, you can’t help but know this.  We in the community can see it.  With respect we do not want a council which is run by the Mayor.  We voted for councillors who speak as individuals.

Shirley Knight

Published in The Islander 2012.05.24

[Note from the webmaster: the councillors which are considered by some as being “the problem” are: Cr Ken Liu, who was elected with the highest number of votes by far; Cr Graham Walkom; and Cr Rosalie Chirgwin. For a quite a number of ratepayers, they are not “the problem” but whistle-blowers, councillors who take their job seriously and responsibly.]


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