Helicopter flights on Kangaroo Island will be a major nuisance — G&J Bittar, 2010.10.24

Kangaroo Island, 2010.10.24

The Hon Tony Burke MP, Parliament House, PO Box 6033, Canberra, Australia 2600

Dear Minister Burke,

it is with grave concern that we write to you.

We have learned that Mr Guy Maine, of Heli Experiences, may be given approval to fly touristic helicopter tours along Kangaroo Island’s coastline.

The noisy intrusion, which would wreck the wilderness, cannot be mitigated, and we would believe that Kangaroo Island’s pristine National Parks should be protected from unnecessary aerial intrusion.

Many fauna species will be negatively impacted, and International Agreements between Australia, China, Japan, and Korea will be jeopardised by approval of an activity that interferes with the breeding cycle of migratory birds.

We have migrated from the Swiss mountains and settled on Kangaroo Island because we like the quietness and seclusion of the place. With helicopter tours ongoing around the place, we would have to reconsider our settlement here.

We understand the appeal of having a look from up there, but this noisy activity will be a major nuisance not only to the fauna, but also to the residents and for the vast majority of tourists who will stick to close-to-earth visits.

Helicopter and plane tours are not indispensable from a touristic point of view; there is an alternative that is successfully practised in Switzerland and in African conservation parks: balloon flights.

Accordingly, we strongly urge you to use your powers under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Control Act (1999) to refuse permission to Heli Experiences to undertake touristic flights along coasts of Kangaroo Island.

Thank you for your attention, and hoping for good news from you.

With our respectful regards,

Dr Gabriel Bittar
Jacqueline Bittar
Warawee Rd, American River, Kangaroo Island, SA 5221


We received no answer from Minister Burke, but our email had been forwarded to independent Senator Nick Xenophon, and we received an answer from him:

On 2010.12.28 13:24, Xenophon, Nick (Senator) wrote:

Dear Gabriel and Jacqueline,

Thank you for your email regarding your concerns with the Kangaroo Island Council’s decision to allow helicopter joy flights over wilderness areas. I am sorry for the delay in responding to you.

I note your concerns regarding the potential damage that the flights may cause to the unique flora and fauna, in addition to creating noise pollution.

I’ve written to the Environment Minister, the Honourable Tony Burke MP, to ask that he use his Ministerial powers to urgently assess this on the basis that, under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999, the flights could be detrimental to migratory species.

Thank you for taking the time to write to me about this important issue. I would be happy to keep you informed on this issue and on the response I receive from the Minister.

Yours Sincerely,

Nick Xenophon | Independent Senator for South Australia
(Electorate Office) Lvl 2/31 Ebenezer Place, Adelaide | TEL: 08 8232 1144
(Canberra) Suite S1.56, Parliament House, Canberra | TEL: 02 6277 3551 www.nickxenophon.com.au

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