The dangers of public/private partnerships — Cr Chirgwin, 2012.06.08

As people are being influenced to support Island Energy I thought these comments were highly pertinent to the debate.
It is of concern when a publicly funded body give an entirely one-sided promotion of its scheme.
To be able to make a properly informed decision people need to hear the other side as well.
This also applies to the proposed Penneshaw CWMS scheme.
How much have you heard about the negatives of either scheme from the council ?
This letter was submitted to The Islander, but never published.

Dear Editor,
Speaking on ABC radio Professor K Jacobs of the School of Accounting and Business Systems, stated that “secrecy is the keystone of tyranny“.  He had been referring to the dangers of public/private partnerships with their  requirements for considerable in-confidence matters to protect the private partner.  This limits  any accountability  by the government body, and enables the cover up of bungles. Public bodies often use Commercial-in-confidence as a smoke screen to hide things they feel the people do not need to be involved with, and  is anti-democratic, he said.
In the interest of openness, transparency and democracy it may be prudent for us to heed his timely warnings.
This is my personal view and not that of Council.

Rosalie Chirgwin,
Cygnet River

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