Observations on 2012/2013 Business Plan for Kangaroo Island — Knight, Shirley, 2012.06.13

Shirley Knight, Penneshaw

My observations on 2012/2013 Business Plan for Kangaroo Island

 Dear Councillors,

[Council CEO] Andrew Boardman has suggested in The Islander (Council Matters) we may send you our comments on the Budget.  I was unable to attend the public consultation, however, [my husband] Ron attended and I have read the business plan.

It is disappointing that the net operating deficit of $4.4 million has not improved enough to see a quick fix for it.  Obviously, there are some measures which some may not like however a few from my personal observations could be beneficial: That is to take the educated advice from others who may have ideas which are at least worth considering.  This may need taking a look at the planned projects which are not going to be life threatening if not implemented.  You will not be surprised if I suggest one of those projects to be the proposed Penneshaw sewerage scheme.  This would mean self management for the community and business; as well as mandating the health requirements and registration of s.m systems.  This action could benefit the bottom line significantly in a very short time.  Obviously, there are some on the council who feel it is such a good project; is it worth the pain it will bestow on the community?  The community would certainly be happy to see the deficit disappear.

Another observation is that Island Energy would not be so difficult to implement if the deficit was overcome.  If both projects were running simultaneously it would cause even more hardship to the island and community.  Many people who dislike the idea of a deep sewer system and its annual charges may prefer the wind energy if they had a choice. Additionally, whilst it is disappointing to find that a grant cannot be contemplated because the council is obliged to contribute a large sum making it unsustainable in terms of the maintenance required; discipline should override the disappointment in declining the grant application.

Shirley Knight
PO Box 658 Penneshaw SA 5222

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