For freedom’s sake — Councillor Chirgwin’s resignation statement, 2012.07.11

For Freedom’s Sake

High Hopes
I believe that the proper function of government is to protect life, liberty and private property from unscrupulous forces so that individuals may safely attain their potential.   At the last election most candidates committed to bring about the changes ratepayers were seeking. We seemed extraordinarily fortunate in having Cr Ken Liu, a highly qualified engineer with a distinguished career in council administration, and Cr Graham Walkom, an engineer with expertise in wastewater management. I commenced my role with high hopes, pledging to represent ratepayers without fear or favour, by the grace of God.

Shock Zone
Subsequently it came as a surprise to me to be instructed that now that the elections were over I was not to think like a ratepayer. My duty was henceforth to uphold the good image of the corporation.
I was amazed at the dismissive attitude council displayed towards the expert advice of Crs Liu and Walkom, and at the mayor resisting our efforts to bring about our election pledges, including rectifying the unsustainable financial situation. Surprise led to shock when I witnessed the mayor and others vilifying a citizen; shock to horror when council sought to deal with the Member for Finniss; and horror to outrage when the consequent legal fees were publicly attributed to some innocent councillors.  When I protested I fell prey to severe intimidation from the mayor and others.

Financial Stewardship
With regard to financial stewardship we are not living within our means and in budgeting have ignored the professional advice of Mr J Comrie, our independent chair of financial management. The mayor and majority of councillors seem to believe almost all requests for handouts can be afforded, whilst requests from councillors for reports that may indicate savings are voted down. This is an over zealous application of the nebulous Strategic Management Plan Everybody is promised everything. “We forget that between promise and performance there is usually a great gulf fixed.”
[Quoting Mr WA Gregory Lloyd, long standing NSW Labour Party member, from speech given in 1911]

Driven by a burgeoning bureaucracy, it has become the norm now in budgets that administration costs significantly exceed the increase in rates for that year – this is cataclysmic economics which council refuses to remedy. As we watch the agonising contortions of Greece and Spain due to similar management we are without excuse and culpably reckless .

Tyrannical By-laws
I opposed the endorsing and ratifying of by-laws which make it an expiatory offence to communicate with others in public places without council permission, and which, along with many others, infringe both Constitutional and Common Law rights. These by-laws might charm the fancies of malicious dictators, but they attack liberty and individual sovereignty, yet this council favoured their imposition.

Proliferation of Closed Meetings
It is well known that secrecy is the keystone of tyranny, and thus I was alarmed at the proliferation of closed meetings. Although council has a good set of fundamental values, including openness and transparency,  it fails miserably to practice them. This council takes every opportunity to hold meetings  secretly, and now has so many outstanding “In-confidence” items that it is impossible to objectively review them each year, as is required by law. My pleas for openness and transparency have resulted in more bullying and slanderous accusations.

Limitless Resources for Harassment
Council seems to be bent on the repression of liberty, and seems to have become a vehicle for advancing the one-world government as envisioned in Agenda 21.
Freedom of opinion is deprecated on the grounds that it implies disloyalty to the corporation. The gag is applied, and council is stripped of its veneer  of democracy, a very tyrant among tyrants.
{Slightly adapted quote from a resignation speech given in 1911 by Mr WA Gregory Lloyd, a long-standing NSW Labour Party member.}

My health has been impacted by the injustices and intimidations from the mayor and others. Further, I have become aware that local government lacks Constitutional validity, and may be a legal plunderer. For the above reasons and  others, which time and space will not permit, I am compelled to announce my resignation. To quote a well-known historical phrase from Luther; “Here I stand: I can do no other”.

On his Resignation from the Labour Party in 1911, Mr  Lloyd said:
Loyalty to principle is more than loyalty to party.  I trust it will be accounted unto me for righteousness that I have resigned. I value the  freedom of my own conscience, thought and action, and will not remain in a party that tolerates such tyranny over its members . . .

I wish to record appreciation for Councillors Liu and Walkom for their critical thinking and objectivity.

I conclude with a final quote from a ratepayer: “To the mayor and her rubber stamp councillors: I pray that you would appreciate that you are trusted to represent ratepayers; that they have rights and are not just money trees for your parasitic politics and grandstanding“.

Rosalie Chirgwin
Wednesday 11th July 2012

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