Submitted by Kangaroo Island Councillor Graham Walkom on 2012.12.01:
2010-14 Strategic Plan Completion Advice.
I refer again to the advice given to council in response to my question on notice 8.1.1 in the 12th September 2012 Agenda, that the current status of this plan is:
Completed 52%
In progress 30%
Not started 18%
And also to the further information provided in response to my question on notice 8.1.2 in the 14th November 2012 Agenda that no Strategic Plan tasks/actions have been removed from the formally adopted Strategic Plan in determining these percentages.
- Could it be clearly explained then why, apparently contrary to these answers the “Work planning & Prioritisation For 2012-13, Council Briefing Paper, August 29th2012” presented to councillors on that date advised councillors under the heading “Strategic Plan Review” that:“Incorporated into the planning tool is the Strategic Plan and each department has now reviewed and commented on progress to date with the plan.
Many items within the plan have (and will) move from strategic need for implementation to ongoing operation – and in doing so become part of the day to day activities of Council. At the point where these have become ongoing processes they are considered “Complete” from the perspective of the Strategic Plan.”? (emphasis mine) - Specifically what original Strategic Plan items are ‘completed’; are ‘in progress’; are ‘not started’? Advice for each and all Strategic Plan items is requested.
Graham Walkom,
Kangaroo Island Councillor
Cr Walkom… Please excuse me if I appear ignorant but to whom are these questions addressed?
g’day Graeme,
This is a question on notice I have submitted to the council CEO for the next scheduled meeting of council (december 12). It is required by the Local Government Act to be placed on and answered at that meeting’s agenda.
I first asked 13 august 2012 and there appears to have been a lot of duck shoving since then, so I keep asking.