Councillor Chirgwin says NO to unnecessarily closing Council meetings to the public, 2011.07.27

In my understanding  the primary function of  local council is to deal with the provision of basic services and the administration of local regulatory issues.

Councillors act as  delegates for ratepayers  so that we are not taxed without representation. This right was won after much struggle many centuries ago. The privilege of representative government is to be diligently protected.

Council meetings are to be held openly, and subject to public scrutiny. They are to be conducted in an orderly manner, and are primarily so that councillors can consider matters and make  informed decisions.   As council’s only direct employee, the CEO is responsible to carry out the bidding of council as directed.

The importance of openness and transparency  cannot be over-emphasized. Meetings are to be advertised and the agenda published prior, so that the public may be fully informed of the issues being deliberated on by their representatives.   Open scrutiny is absolutely vital to the health of our system, and for the confidence of electors.

It concerns me greatly that this council has commenced to schedule undisclosed meetings to discuss matters relevant to all ratepayers, and which ought to be performed openly, and by correct means.

We can hold proper meetings twice monthly if there is too much to cover in a monthly sitting, and call special meetings to deal with urgent business. I believe that is the course this council should be taking rather than holding  cliquish sessions.

On Anzac Day I pledged, “Lest we forget”. For this reason, and because of my commitment to ratepayers I cannot in good conscience participate in the closed meetings.

Yours faithfully,
Cr Chirgwin

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