The works of art and science
Les œuvres d’art et de science
Kunst und Wissenschaft Werke
The Lodge displays the works of nature artists with “an exquisite eye”, artists from the Baudin and Flinders expeditions and also more recent ones – with a choice of reproductions centred on animals and plants that can be seen on Kangaroo Island.
To the left of the bathroom door
À gauche de la porte de la salle de bains
Links von der Badezimmer Tür
Brunonia australis
(blue flower, water-colour 52.8 x 35.2 cm, Port Clinton, Queensland, 22.8.1802 – fleur bleue, Goodeniaceae)
Calothamnus gracilis
(red fl. – fl. rouge)
Cymbidium suave
(yellow orchid, collected in NSW, water-colour 52.6 x 35.7 cm – orchidée jaune, Orchidaceae)
Alyogyne hakeifolia
(violet fl., water-colour 52.6 x 35.6 cm, Middle Island, La Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia, 18.5.1803 – fl. violette, Malvaceae; this genus is restricted to Australia)
Grevillea banksii
(red fl., water-colour 52.4 x 35.7 cm, Keppel Bay, Queensland – fl. rouge, Proteaceae)
Eucalyptus pruinosa
(yellow fl., islands of the Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland, 11.1802 – fl. jaune, Myrtaceae)
To the right of the bathroom door
À droite de la porte de la salle de bains
Rechts von der Badezimmer Tür
eight species – huit espèces, left to right and top to bottom – de gauche à droite et de haut en bas: Anomalodiscus squamosus, Gafrarium pectinatum, Corculum unedo, Tridacna crocea, and three unidentified specimens – et trois spécimens non identifiés (tater-colour, ink and pencil 41 x 27 cm)
Over the bed, from left to right
Au-dessus du lit, de gauche à droite
Über dem bed, von links nach rechts
Dryandra formosa
(yellow fl. – fl. jaune)
Banksia coccinea
(red fl. – fl. rouge)
Banksia speciosa
(yellow fl., water-colour 52.5 x 35.6 cm, Lucky Bay, Western Australia, 1.1802 – fl. jaune)
Egernia kingii
(King’s skink lizard, Scincidae, Seal Island, King George Sound, Western Australia, 22.12.1801, water-colour 34 x 50 cm – lézard)
Trichoglossus haematodus (moluccanus)
(couple of rainbow lorikeets, Psittacidae, Port Phillip, Victoria, 30.4.1802, water-colour 34 x 51 cm)
Bathroom, from left to right
Salle de bains, de gauche à droite
Badzimmer, von links nach rechts
Phyllopteryx taeniolatus
weedy seadragons (yellow sea-horses, King george Sound, Western Australia, 12.1801, water-colour 33.7 x 50.5 cm) – 2 hippocampes (poissons jaunes), Syngnathidae – this fish is restricted to southern Australian waters, from Rottnest Island (Western Australia) to Newcastle (NSW), including Bass Strait and Tasmania. It occurs in both shallow waters and on offshore reefs, preferring rocky reef habitats with kelp and algal beds, and feeds on small crustaceans. Males brood the eggs externally on a patch of skin beneath the tail
Nectria ocellifera
red starfish – étoile de mer rouge (collected at Kangaroo Island; water-colour 23.5 x 37.5 cm)
Cassiopea andromeda
blue jellyfish – méduse bleue (water-colour and pencil on vellum, 25.5 x 40.5 cm)
Moreover, you can see, near and above the sliding door, five reproductions of 1970 watercolours of psittaciforms by Williams Thomas Cooper [1934 -], reproduced from “Parrots of the World” by Joseph Forshaw (1973); from left to right:
Platycercidæ family:
three species of Platycercus rosellas, clockwise from left: pale-headed white-cheeked rosella, Platycercus adscitus adscitus, from eastern Queensland ; South-Western or yellow-cheeked rosella, Platycercus icterotis, male and female, smallest of the rosellas; Adelaide rosella, Platycercus elegans adelaidae , found in south-east SA from the north of Fleurieu Peninsula to Quorn; the crimson rosella, Pl. el. elegans, not represented here, is native to KI (it’s the western-most tip of the range of this subspecies)
Loriidæ family:
the three species of Glossopsitta lorikeets, clockwise from left: musk lorikeet, G. concinna, native to KI; little lorikeet, G. pusilla; purple-crowned lorikeet, G. porphyrocephala, native to KI (it’s the one commonly seen around this place; with the little lorikeet, it’s the smallest of the lorikeets); the rainbow lorikeet, Trichoglossus haematodus haematodus, not represented here, is also native to KI
Cacatuidæ family:
two sulphur-crested white cockatoos, Cacatua sulphurea (galerita), native to KI; pink (Leadbeater’s, Major Mitchell’s) cockatoo, Cacatua leadbeateri
female and male of glossy-black red-tailed cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus lathami, the smallest of the black cockatoos; notice the yellow blotches on head and neck of the adult female, and the all-red tail of the adult male; the voice is a soft, wailing trumpetting; C. l. halmaturinus is native to KI; the yellow-tailed black cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus funereus, not represented here, is also native to KI
four red-eyering galahs, Eolophus roseicapillus albiceps (Cacatua roseicapilla albiceps ), native to KI
Text © by:
Dr Gabriel Bittar